
Well, Of Course.

I won't say anything silly like "I know the Bible better than most Christians," but I have read the whole thing three times through. I have the ability to understand and analyze the words. Of course I did well.

You know the Bible 88%!

Wow! You are awesome! You are a true Biblical scholar, not just a hearer but a personal reader! The books, the characters, the events, the verses - you know it all! You are fantastic! Ultimate Bible Quiz Create MySpace Quizzes

Knowing what's in the Bible doesn't mean much though. Jim Jones and David Koresh likely had a better idea than I do what it says. So did Tomas de Torquemada and any random member of the Ku Klux Klan. There's simply no connection between Biblical knowledge and morality.


Anonymous said...

to paraphrase a bumper sticker:

Know Bible School, Know Jesus
No Bible School, No Jesus.

You have made it through the bible 3 more times than I have Jason, and I did not have the benefit of growin' up with the church goin' crowd.

So everything I know about the bible I learned on Jeopardy or from dating a Jewish woman (you at least get some Old Testament action there);-)

Seriously I did not take the Bible quiz, but I bet I would score 20% or lower. I will read it sometime, it just wont be soon. I'd rather hook up with James Patterson, frankly.

Jason said...

A number of the answers were easy, like "who helped the guy in distress" and such. Even if you haven't read it, you'd get it.

I'm just hoping you don't want to hook up with James Patterson for some Old Testament Action.

Kim might have some issues.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, perhaps "hook up" was a poor choice of terminology. "curl up in bed with" probably isn't any better though. ;-) I am not sure that I know any authors that I would want to "curl up with" literally. Hopefully Michelle does not have that same issue, at least with aspiring authors.

Black Wolf said...

I believe that Jason know the bible very well, but I have doubts about that quiz. I ranked a 74% and have never read the bible through, hell I have never read any part of it when I was outside church! But then again I did grow catholic in a small town, not a very "progressive" church. So just by attending I may have absorbed a bit more knowledge than a lot of people. But really, how accurate can a quiz of 42 questions be about something as complex as the bible.